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Module 9 : Concept Formation

To view Concept Formation powerpoint click here


1.    To deepen the insights and understandings gained by participants in Module Eight by exploring the notion of Inductive Thinking.

2.    To acquaint participants with the rationale underpinning Hilda Taba’s Inductive Thinking Strategy

3.    To develop participants’ understanding of how this strategy relates to, and can be integrated with, other actions and interventions already encountered in various modules


  • Recapitulation on notion of ‘concept’ and inductive thinking (Module 8)
  • Exploration of and rationale for ‘the classification process’ in inductive reasoning
  • The Three Phases of Taba’s Inductive Thinking Strategy

o  Concept Formation

o  Interpretation of Data

o  Application of Principles

  • Planning a lesson that incorporates Concept Formation
  • Integrating Concept Formation with other actions and interventions

o  Classification tasks

o  Mind Mapping and Concept Mapping

o  Concept Attainment

o  Cooperative Learning

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of their engagement with this module,participants will:

1. Be able to articulate their understanding of inductive thinking as a means of developing conceptual awareness

2. Be able to explain and apply Taba’s Concept Formation strategy in a classroom setting.

3. Be able to distinguish Concept Formation from Concept Attainment.

4. Demonstrate how the application of Concept Formation as a strategy may be integrated with other appropriate actions and interventions.